Lisa Macrae
Lisa Macrae
Age: 25
Location: Musselburgh

Lisa Macrae is 25 and the co-chair of Components of Care for Scotland’s Independent Care Review, (ICR).
She began working in child development in nurseries before gaining a qualification in children learning and development in a children and family centre. Lisa then went on to work with East Lothian Council, establishing and growing the Champions Board, a platform for those with lived experience in what is referred to as the “care system”, to identify and influence change in the local authority area.Champions Boards are a radical concept, with three key layers. First, the young people – genuine relational based participation. Second, the support group, who provide emotional and practical support to the members of Champions Board and wider and; finally, corporate parents who have the authority to implement changes led by the real experts with lived experience.
Lisa has since become a sessional worker within supported accommodation, supporting homeless women. After this, Lisa secured a new role with the Life Changes Trust, which is the funder of the vast majority of Champions Boards across the country – whilst remaining a sessional worker at the project.