Suki Wan


Suki Wan

Age: 20
Location: Glasgow

Suki was elected as Vice Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament and has sat on the Executive Committee of the Glasgow Youth Council for the past two years.

She was born in Glasgow to parents who emigrated from Hong Kong, and she grew up in a Chinese take away, as she says herself “I was one of those kids that you see in back of the take away playing”. It was this upbringing, being always surrounded by adults that made her want to prove herself, and show grown-ups that she can sit at their table and share her views.  

She is unafraid of asking tough questions to people in power, and recently questioned (now former) Minister for Childcare and Early Years to find out exactly what actions he is going to take to progress children’s rights in Scotland. She has also given evidence to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee in the Scottish Parliament, specifically speaking up for children, young people and women’s rights.