About us
The Young Women’s Movement is Scotland’s national organisation for young women and girls’ leadership and rights. Young women are at the heart of everything we do.
The Young Women’s Movement is informed, shaped and led by and for young women who want meaningful change in their lives and across society.
We exist because we want young women and girls’ needs and rights to be met.
We support all young women and girls across Scotland to lead change on issues that matter to them. It is for young women to determine the changes they want and need. We provide them with resources, networks and platforms to collectively challenge inequality.

We are local in action, national in impact.
We meet young women where they are at. We work in lots of different ways, places and communities across Scotland. We create safe and brave spaces where young women can gather to learn, explore issues that matter to them and lead change.
We amplify young women’s voices and experiences
We develop research that is shaped and informed by young women to make sure their voices, opinions and insights are heard and understood. We create ways for businesses, organisations and policy-makers to connect with that research and hear these voices.

We are actively and deliberately inclusive in what we do and how we do it.
We work with an understanding that power needs to be rebalanced in Scotland and beyond. We are intersectional and inclusive, conscious that inequality and exclusion exist in many places and in many forms.
Every time we say ‘young women’, we mean all self-identifying young women and girls.