Young Women Know

Young Women Know

Young Women Know is a partnership project between The Young Women’s Movement, NSPCC Scotland and young women, designed to tackle unhealthy relationships and peer sexual abuse through peer-led campaigns. 

Young Women Know logo

Young Women Know National

Young Women Know National aims to broaden its impact by engaging a group of young women aged 16-18 from across Scotland as part of a National Champions Group, that will support the design and delivery of the national Young Women Know campaign.


Brave Lassies Blether: support services flyer

Oor Fierce Girls: safe spaces starter toolkit

Video resources

This video series was made as part of the local Young Women Know campaign, Brave Lassies Blether. Young women asked support organisations about how young people can access their services.

Accessing Support:
Hear Me

Accessing Support:
LGBT Youth Scotland

Accessing Support:
Childline (NSPCC Scotland)

Accessing Support:
Rape Crisis Scotland

Accessing Support:

Check out the campaigns below!