Young Women Lead 2022 – Dundee

Young Women Lead 2022 – Dundee

Published on:
  • Education
  • Relationships
  • Research report
  • Violence prevention
  • Young Women Lead

The ‘Step Up Sex Ed’ report, developed and published by Young Women Lead Dundee, presents an opportunity for reflection and exploration of the provision of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood education within Scotland.

The purpose of the report was to collate perspectives from the public on: what they believe to be the gaps within the curriculum surrounding sex education, what they feel should be taught, and what they believe was most valuable to be taught. Three key topics were selected prior to the surveys being created;

Consent, LGBTQIA+, and Pleasure. Such topics were identified through workshops conducted with the YWL Dundee participants, based on their personal experiences of sex education. It is these topics that form the structure of the report. Perspectives of 99 members of the general public were obtained through a survey and it is the opinions of these individuals that form the basis of findings presented throughout the report.

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