Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill: Consultation Response

Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill:Consultation Response from The Young Women’s Movement

Published on:
  • Health
  • Policy consultation responses

The Young Women’s Movement wholeheartedly supports this Bill because we believe that women and pregnant people should be able to access abortion and associated sexual and reproductive healthcare services, information and advice without fear of intimidation and harassment. As noted in our Status of Young Women in Scotland 2022-23 report, young women in particular face substantial obstacles when accessing healthcare, including contraception, abortion and post-abortion services across Scotland.

The ongoing intimidation and harassment of patients and staff outside facilities providing abortion services across Scotland is cause for serious and immediate concern. In the most recent Women’s Health Plan, the Scottish Government promised to work together with the NHS, local authorities and justice agencies “to find ways of preventing women feeling harassed when accessing abortion care due to protests or vigils.” To work towards ensuring a more equal society for all, we believe that the Scottish Parliament should pass this legislation to ensure that women across Scotland are legally entitled to access abortion healthcare free of harassment and intimidation.

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